Connect, Share, and Personalize
Your Social Hub for Events and Connections
Home Timeline
Following Timeline: See stories and events created by the people you follow.
Discover Timeline: Find new events and stories from people you don’t follow yet.
Bookmark: Save your favorite events and stories to easily find them later.
Create Stories: Post stories with photos and videos. Use titles, descriptions, and hashtags to stand out.
Chat: Communicate with other users and event creators. Create chat groups and clear up any doubts directly with the organizers.
Notifications: Stay updated with the latest events and updates with real-time notifications. Psst...we're working on making these even better! Right now, clicking them doesn’t always take you straight to the action, but hang tight, we're on it!
Profile Customization
Profile Photo and Background: Personalize your profile with a photo and background that represent you.
Followers and Following: Manage your list of followers and who you follow.
Event Statistics: Review your event performance, including the number of attendees and other relevant data.
Settings: Adjust your account with options like changing your password, enabling/disabling notifications, changing the language, and more.
Social Sharing
Share Events and Stories: Easily share your favorite events and stories on other social media platforms.
Engage with the Community: Like, comment, and interact with posts from other users.